Foundation Bartolomé March Servera
The areas
Procession of the Virgin
The Foundation's headquarters are in what was the family residence in Palma for decades. It was built between 1939 and 1945 and the most representative artists and professionals of the time were involved in its construction.
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Project by Architect Luis Gutiérrez Soto
Without a doubt, the developer, the financier Juan March Ordinas (1880-1962), acquired the site because it was in a prime location in the city’s historic quarter, and surrounded by iconic monuments such as the Cathedral, the Palace of the Almudaina and emblematic buildings including the former casino (which is now the seat of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands).
The project was led by the Madrid architect Luis Gutiérrez Soto (1900- 1977), a professional of great repute for whom the March residence was one of his most important undertakings, not only because of the status of his client but also because of the complexity and scale of the work.
A historicist style dominates, and the building was strongly influenced by Mallorcan and Italian Baroque palaces. The quality of the material used was outstanding, along with the richness and variety of the décor, and a leading role in the construction was played by the architect Gabriel Alomar Esteve, the project manager.
The whole complex, inside and out, is magnificent, and the courtyard is particularly impressive. This remarkable reception area, with its pronounced Mediterranean character, is overlooked by the palace’s most beautiful elements: the main façade, with its highly refined ornamentation and elegant open gallery, and the terrace-garden, a splendid viewing point over the heart of the city.
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Modern and Contemporary
At Palau March
Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
The Juan March Cencillo Short Novel Prize
Terms, conditions and prize winners
Juan March Cencillo
Palau Reial, 18
07001 , Palma de Mallorca
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Bartolomé March Servera Foundation
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